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N°2 silos 60mc for seiving waste equipped with screw reclaimer -Italy


With a view to the construction of a new corn reception and cleaning system, BSP has been awarded for the manufacturing and erection of two complete silos for storaging broken corn and the corn powder deriving from its cleaning. The treated farmhouse, defined as dirty, contains part of broken grains and organic dust (corn dust) and inorganic dust (sand and earth); the dirty corn is sieved to obtain the intact grains while the dusty and fine parts are removed.

These last two components of dirty corn will be stored in the silos included in the supply.

Dirty corn and its components are an explosive product ; furthermore, its components are abrasive.

Anti-explosion vents will be placed on the top of the silo because it is desired not to have, in the event of an explosion, forces that are not well balanced on the sides.

Fresh corn and its derivatives have 15% residual moisture which is typical of “dry” cereals.

  • Sieving waste (broken corn and dust) is intended for animal (non-human) feed in the preparation of feed. The silos will be able to store 40 tons of product, therefore the useful volume must be at least 55 m3.



Diameter of 3.5 m, the height of the cylindrical body of the silo is approximately 7 m.

Apparent product density equal to approximately 750 kg/m3.

The extraction of POWDERY PRODUCTS as seiving waste from silos is not so easy as it seems: powdery and compacting bulk behaves differently any time and can cause a lot of problems.

BSP Planetary extractors collect the product from the whole surface of a flat bottom silo and convey it towards the central outlet.

The most important technology to extract hard flowing products from flat bottom silos is the B.S.P. ROTOBOX PLANETARY EXTRACTOR constituted by a metallic beam crossing the silo diameter.

The two silos will be placed on weighing cells and will be loaded and unloaded alternately in order to measure the recovered product and that sent to feed packaging.




BSP continues to be a protagonist in the food sector

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